ONLINE MEETINGS (members only)

Our online meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month (except December when it is held on the first Monday). The talks cover a wide variety of resources to help members with their research.

The programme for upcoming meetings is shown below.

Members can register for each talk by completing the registration form in the Members’ Only Area of our website.

To become a member of NFHS, you can join here.

Log-in details will be sent to you by email prior to each meeting.  Meetings start at 7.30pm with login open from 7.00pm.

Please click HERE to see our Short Guide to Using Zoom Meetings.

DateTitle / SubjectSpeaker
27 JanuaryUpdate and news from Northamptonshire ArchivesSarah Bridges
Archives & Heritage Services Manager
24 FebruaryResearching Before Parish Registers
Pre 1600 research is an entirely different "ball game". Many of the early records are
underused. This talk helps family historians see what is available.
Ian Waller
24 MarchMaking the best use of The National Archives
If you are nervous about visiting TNA or using their website this talk is for you.
In particular, it looks at how to get the best from Discovery.
Simon Fowler